Archived Events
College Promise During Covid-19
July 29, 2019
The California Community College Chancellor’s Office, in partnership with the College Promise Project, hosted a virtual fireside chat to discuss the ways that College Promise programs have adjusted programming to support their students during Covid-19. During the discussion, College Promise colleagues shared strategies they are using to support students – especially those that are disproportionately impacted – to matriculate, acclimate to college life, and get the support they need to succeed. Gina Browne, Dean of Financial Aid Services and Student Life, also described what to expect with upcoming AB19/2 funding and the ways that the Chancellor’s office is reinterpreting the legislation due to Covid-19. You can download and watch a recording of the meeting here.

November 4-5, 2019
The College Promise Project was honored to participate in PromiseNet 2019, held in Berkeley, California. CPP staff presented on various topics including a plenary on The Expanded Vision of College Promise, a workshop on Equitable Program Design, a panel on The Role of Partnerships in College Promise, and a panel about Including Adults in College Promise Programs. Please click each title to access the presentations.
Strengthening Student Success Conference
October 9-11, 2019
CPP Director Mary Rauner presented alongside CPP partner Martha Kanter of the College Promise Campaign and Kate Mahar from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office and Shasta College at the RP group’s Strengthening Student Success Conference in Burlingame. The presentation, titled College Promise Programs and the Link to Access, Completion, and the Vision for Success, discusses the College Promise landscape in California, College Promise funding streams, and how College Promise programs integrate with existing programs to support students both financially and non-financially.

Northern California College Promise Workshop
May 10, 2019
The May College Promise Workshop was held at Sierra College in Rocklin, in partnership with the California College Promise Project at WestEd. Thank to all of the College Promise program teams who participated, and to Sierra College for hosting the event.
Central California College Promise Workshop
March 22, 2019
The second California College Promise Workshop was hosted by the State Center Community College District on March 22, 2019. Fifty-six College Promise leaders, staff, as well as partners from CSUs, K-12 districts, foundations, and boards participated in the day-long event.

Bay Area College Promise Workshop
January 25, 2019
The California College Promise Project (CCPP) held its first regional College Promise workshop of 2019 at DeAnza College in January.
2018 National College Access Network (NCAN) National Conference: “Making Promises Count for Student Success”
September 26, 2018
CCPP Director Mary Rauner presented alongside Paola Santana of UNITE-LA and John Garcia III of the California Community Foundation at this year’s NCAN National Conference in Pittsburgh. View the presentation to learn how the Los Angeles Promises That Count initiative convenes cross-sector College Promise teams who are incorporating financial and student services support to improve student success, especially for first-generation and low-income students.
Los Angeles County Promises That Count Alliance Kick-off
April 20, 2018
WestEd, in partnership with the Campaign for a College Education and Unite-LA, and with support from the California Community Foundation (CCF), formally launched the Los Angeles County Promises That Count Initiative on April 20, 2018. The meeting featured cross-sector program teams with partners from community colleges, K-12 districts, four-year universities, and civic and non-profit organizations, all of whom comprise the Promises That Count Community of Practice. All College Promise program teams in Los Angeles County will be invited to participate in the Promises That Count Alliance that will begin meeting in Fall 2018.
2018 RP Conference: “Developing and Sustaining High-Impact College Promise Programs in California’s Community Colleges”
April 12, 2018
Mary Rauner, director of the CCPP, presented with colleagues from the College Promise Campaign, Foothill College, and MDRC at the 2018 RP Conference in Long Beach, California. The session provided insights, lessons learned, and tools for institutional researchers and policymakers to advance evidence-based College Promise programs on campus, in their communities, and statewide.
California Promise: Pathways to Student Success
Summer 2017
On August 30, 2017, CCPP staff, in partnership with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office, Los Rios Community College District, and the Community College League of California, hosted a second annual College Promise convening. More than 400 participants attended the day-long event, including representatives from California community colleges and California state university campuses; community-based programs in California; and College Promise program partners and funders. The presentations and workshops emphasized the importance of cross-sector collaboration for structural and financial sustainability of College Promise programs, strategies to align College Promise programs with student support structures, and intersegmental transitions to ensure student persistence and completion.
College Promise in California: Strategies, Challenges, and Successes
Summer 2016
On August 30, 2016, California College Promise Project staff partnered with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office and the Community College League of California to design, plan, and host a day-long event on College Promise in California. More than 350 California College Promise program representatives, trustees, and community partners were in attendance. Attendees represented 57 of the 72 California community college districts, 55 College Presidents, 10 trustees, and six members of the California Community College Board of Governors. The goals of the day were to share information about the local, state, and national College Promise movement, to offer guidance around designing, implementing, and improving Promise programs; and to build a community of College Promise program colleagues across California.